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Integrated Management Policy

A H2O SOLUÇÕES DE PROTEÇÃO A VIDA E AO PATRIMÔNIO LTDA., atuante no segmento de engenharia de incêndio pelo qual realiza serviços de elaboração de projetos, treinamentos manutenção e instalação de sistemas de segurança e tem sua Política do Sistema de Gestão Integrada definida em:

• Respect the commitments made, always aiming to satisfy our customers and meet product and service requirements;
• Invest in partnerships aimed at technological advancement that minimize environmental impact and occupational risk while contributing to the delivery of complete fire engineering solutions to the market;v
• Monitor and appropriately dispose of waste generated;
• Continuous improvement of the integrated management system;
• Train our professionals;
• Seek to meet applicable legal requirements related to the Environment, Safety and Occupational Health;
• Maintain a good working environment for our employees in order to prevent occupational injuries and illnesses;
• Search for partners and suppliers who act with the same principles and concerns;
• Maintain open communication channels so that our employees and partners can express their opinions, which will be welcomed and respected.

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